Pushup / Freestall Rake
The combination is always your choice, right hand or left hand for one or the other. The whole idea is what works best for you?Sand Rake / Manure Rake / Blade Pushup / Tire Pushup / Curb & Lane Scraper / Tire Scraper. / Extra rear Valves?Look at all the options and see how you want to set your unit up?
Rotary Conditioner / Pushup
The rotary conditioner is the ultimate in bed conditioning fluffing and drying the beds to 8” deep. To add a pushup blade and a 3 point freestall curb and lane scraper to the mix would make this machine invalulable on the dairy.Options are always a good thing to make a machine fit the needs around your dairy. Give it a lot of thought and tell us what you need and we'll do our best to make it happen.See all of the details and options that would work for you.
Twin Freestall Rakes
Did you ever notice the last couple of stalls in each section always gets the leftover bedding unless the driver purposely tries to drag it back and spread to out. Well with the twin rake tractor the driver rakes one way the first day and the other way the second day. No more build-up and it keeps your beds at a more consistent level for a longer time.Look what you have been missing out on!Call us to see what we can do for you.
Twin Freestall Rakes Skid Steer/3-Point
Did you ever notice the last couple of stalls in each section always gets the leftover bedding unless the driver purposely tries to drag it back and spread to out. Well with the twin rake tractor the driver rakes one way the first day and the other way the second day. No more build-up and it keeps your beds at a more consistent level for a longer time.The twin freestall rakes both skid steer and 3 point mounted rakes come equipped with dual curb and lane scrapers. Also, there are adjustable gauge wheels to select the right level for your stalls. There is a hydraulic diverter valve with each unit to select the rake arm you are going to use. The skid steer unit is equipped with an additional speed control for the lifting and lowering of the arms, due to the normal high hydraulic output from skid steers for safety.Look what you have been missing!